Here I am. We were going to have the final word on our changes today. However, we`re told President spent the night in his office, and has been there all morning, surely pouring his heart out to a God that both he and I know guides this work.
The rock of this church is it`s revelation from heaven: the part that lets us know we`re here right now because God wanted us here and at this very moment.I am excited to see what lessons he is preparing for me. Excited to reach out and take advantage of them. To apply my faith by doing all in my power and then following the Paraguayan model of trust that everything will turn out ok.
Cultures, much like people, have their strengths and their weakness. And, like people, we can choose to love them and allow the weaknesses to become endearing, or we can react in some other way. The beauty of service is that it requires one to love. The beauty of the mission is that it requires one to serve. I don`t know if it`s a poem or what but I just wrote a bunch of stuff about how I feel towards the culture down here.
A tribute to the Paraguayan people
The enduring through the eternal day.
The stomach hardening grit to brave heat, distance, and feet battering roads of rock.
The overcoming hunger in order to try to aleviate it.
The total tranquility.
The offering everybody a cool drink and friendly hand.
The toothless smiles.
The endless good.
The windowless houses.
The mountains of fried food.
The bouncing bus salesmen and their monotone voices mimicking excitement.
The meat floating in water and grease: called soup.
The corn bread prepared, as they say, ¨indian-style¨, which must include the grit and dirt from not having washed your hands, and in place of non-stick spray, is coated with paraguayan leaves, or else...sorry, it`s just not as good.
The families that are doing what they have to do to be together...forever.
The reminding me that I left a world of cars and cell phones and seemingly endless wealth to teach a people who`s suffering ended up teaching me.
The promise it all inspires in me to NEVER take for granted what I had and will have, and above all, to NEVER stop giving all I`ve got.
Thank you Paraguay,
I love you
Elder McCarty
Pictures and Descriptions
Elder Agudelo kissing a giant frog. I told him to do it and I didn`t think he actually would!
Before our lunch appointment on Sunday, waiting for the food to be ready, and Elder Agudelo sleeping!
Sunset with me just a standin there.
Standing on an old building foundation overlooking a cliff and a tree filled vally.
Outside a nunnery while I was still in the office, where you can buy all kinds of sweet handmade artifacts by Guarani ¨Indios¨ out in the chaco. Nativity sets, neclaces, wooden knives, etc., of Palo Santo, or holy wood, which smells really good and is famous in Paraguay.
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