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(New Address for Mission home)
Elder Kyler McCarty
Paraguay Asuncion North Mission
Avda. Santisima Trinidad 1280 c/ Julio Correa
Asunción Paraguay

Coming home August 6th 2010!

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Mission: Paraguay Asuncion North

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Rolla Holla! Monday, April 12, 2010

It’s cooling down a little in this half of the world. Even when the beating sun is out, a pleasant breeze keeps us cools as we sit under the thick shade of giant mango trees. “If I told you that this tree had the most delicious mangos in the whole world, how would you find out if it’s true?” The convenient example we use several times a day to invite people to just try it out and take one bite by sincerely reading, praying, and attending church to taste the sweetness of the truth.

Twenty-eight year old Jimi tasted it. And now, 4 days before his baptism he carries his Book of Mormon around on his old beat up motorcycle to share scriptures he’s found with his friends. His place is marked with a red pencil that we gave him as a gift and a tool to search for truth. He keeps finding more of it. However, many are called and few chose to be chosen. Even Jimi has some doubts and obstacles to overcome in these last few days before him baptism.

We watched conference one week after all of you. Though the recording skipped and the kids laughed and screamed as they played, we felt and knew that those men are called of God. The TV sat on a table made by one of our investigators, a carpenter, accompanied by a 2 liter soda bottle cut in half, full of beautiful Paraguayan flowers assembled by Blanca, who was called to be our flower coordinator.

The flowers were beautifully selected and arranged, but perhaps the most beautiful part was what they represented by simply BEING there. Immediately after her baptism, Blanca’s parents, brothers, and sisters began an unbelievable onslaught of insults, criticism, and what is often most painful – the cold shoulder. Deeply grieved by their rejection, yet sustained in her belief by a deeply seated testimony and continued nourishment and reassurance from the scriptures and the Holy Ghost, Blanca found herself torn between worlds.

She expressed to us that she wanted to stop attending church until the persecution came to an end and then she would then come back. We immediately felt that Blanca was at a cross roads and asked if we could stop by to visit her. As we talked, she bore solemn witness of God’s one true church, and that it was His will for her to continue on, but that she didn’t feel she could. We encouraged her, prayed with her, and invited her to pray for strength to do God’s will regardless of the consequences. She did, and she received. The flowers she brought will forever stand in my mind as a beautiful display of what it means to overcome opposition to humbly do God’s will.

For the first Sunday in our time here, the members took charge of preparing the chapel. Joel and Juan came early and opened the building, swept, set up the chairs, and prepared for the conference. Next week we hope to have Joel conduct and we can sit peacefully among the congregation. Progress like this is only possible with the help of a loving Heavenly Father whose work WILL be done. I feel humbled as I strive to do it in His way, and awestruck as I feel guidance from His sure and powerful hand. All my love,

Elder Kyler McCarty

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