Current Mailing Address:
(New Address for Mission home)
Elder Kyler McCarty
Paraguay Asuncion North Mission
Avda. Santisima Trinidad 1280 c/ Julio Correa
Asunción Paraguay

Coming home August 6th 2010!

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Mission: Paraguay Asuncion North

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rolla Holla! Saturday, August 01, 2009

"A Life Forever Changed, If I Don´t Forget"

How can it be that we so easily forget? Often in morning study, I find it hard to sit still at my desk because I am so anxious to got out and say kind things, do service, and be a charitable person. The hour long study ends, and determining to apply my notes on how I need to change, I practically jump out of my desk, fling open the door, and run out to meet those that surround me, my heart full of good intentions.
But all too often, I forget. That persistently complaining missionary or this draggingly tedious task mutes the desire to be like Christ, and I get angry or sarcastic or frustrated, even if for just a moment. I suppose Christ gave us his example under what might be called “stressing circumstances” for a reason. We too have to be like him, no matter the burden.
As I strive to let his example and atonement change me, I also have to stive not to take myself too seriously. Every once in a while I just have to wrestle my companion or jump on a teeter totter to remind myself of just how much fun life is meant to be; how much joy can be found in the journey. I have to let the little improvements fill my heart with joy, and the big mistakes make me smile.
Elder Davis, the Mission Records and Statistics Clerk, is a good example to me of that. He is a giantly man in stature with a heart to match. He knows his purpose here on the mission, and has a toolbelt full of million-dollar smiles and goofy magic tricks to win the hearts and commitments of the Paraguayan people. He´ll be leaving soon and we´ll miss him.
We continue fighting for our family and for Javier. They are still on for this week. Our focus now is in expanding our teaching pool – spreading out our net. So far we are doing pretty well and hope to have a solid set of investigators preparing for a baptismal date this Sunday. Things are GREAT in the mission and I am happy. There is nothing like watching other people change their lives and letting it change mine.

I love you all so much!
Elder McCarty

014 Me, Elder Vail and Elder Polatis again, I´m helping Polatis up with my shoe.
015 When I realized he could get up on his own I decided to take a sweet rock climbing pick: one among many lost on my camera.
008 Drinking Mate Dulce (a form of the typical Paraguayan drink without the Herb, which is the prohibited part) up on the roof of our office house. Great memories and beautiful sunsets.
005 The part-your-hair-down-the-middle-day that I told you all about. Wow, it was great.

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