Current Mailing Address:
(New Address for Mission home)
Elder Kyler McCarty
Paraguay Asuncion North Mission
Avda. Santisima Trinidad 1280 c/ Julio Correa
AsunciĆ³n Paraguay

Coming home August 6th 2010!

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Mission: Paraguay Asuncion North

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rolla Holla!! Tuesday, 9-2-08

Hello All!! Some somewhat urgent business: 1. My e-mail was full, so apparantly I got NONE of your e-mails this last week. So, if you get the chance, family, please send them again! 2. I also wanted to ask, if I send you a letter or some pictures, I don't have the ability to make enough copies to keep all the correspondence, so if you'd keep them and I could copy them when I get home, that would be awesome! Just wanna preserve those memories. 3. Oh, also, apparantly I can't get attachements. So, Josiah, that means i need the Lineage mailed or imbedded if that's possible. For everyone else, Shylo's pics somehow get through to me, so ask her how. Ok, I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I'm trying to write things down throughout the week that I need to tell you all. We had a storm this week! I'm sure most of you know about it, but it was BEAUTIFUL! I always thought that STRICT planning and rigid structure would kill my spontanaity and enjoyment of the little things. BUT since they are simply MORE unique and LESS common, I LOVE every bit of the few that I get more than I ever loved them when they were mine to have in abundance. What a lesson, from such a small thing! Here at the MTC EVERYBODY loves to Testify. Elders and Sisters go around and randomly walk up to you, pretend like you're an investigator and expect you to go along with them. I've heard Mandarin, lots of Spanish, and even some Non-Native English Speakers in English. It is SO touching to hear so much testifying of this great Truth! One sister from Fiji came up to us, and in slow, measured, perfectly pronounced but still uncertain English bore the sweetest, most simple testimony I think I've ever heard. Often, when I'm doing that in Spanish, I think that I, like her, am nervous and fear that I'm butchering the language. BUT, the truth is, we are ALL so patient and lenient with people who are trying to learn our language. It gave me added confidence and excitement when my turn came around. And that's how I think it is generally in life: we are our toughest critics. I think Psychology calls it the Spotlight affect, where we are so self-centered (as most of us are) that we think EVERYBODY is looking at US and what WE are doing. Truth is, they're not. They're probably wondering what YOU'RE thinking about their reaction, or about whether YOU'LL ask for their number, or about whether THEY look stupid. It's surprisingly easy to get over when I see it in those terms. Well, things are just coming along smoothly. The first day here, the MTC President said that most missionaries hit a Trimester slump after the first third, then see how unprepared they are after 2/3s, and then work hard for the rest. I think I'm avoiding that. The stereotypes about everything in life, I think, should ONLY ever be used as information to prepare for, not circumstances to expect! Family and friends, the language is still coming along! I love learning it. We are having another Teacher Swap because the Semester is starting at BYU, so that'll take some adjustment. But I'm getting used to taking uncertainty and making it into a still-effective plan: an edge I think I'll have because of all of this confusion, since that will be so vital in the mission field. Before the mission, some friends and I had been doing a 'sweets only on Wednesday and Sunday,' diet, or should I say, "lifestyle," lol. Anyhow, I stopped it when I saw all the delicious deserts here. But, now I've resumed it again and I LOVE it. I have another reason for looking forward to those days, AND I love sweets SO much more. Last Wednesday I got some great letters from you all and so at 9:30 I went home, laid on my bed, slowly letting the chocolate from a Snickers bar melt in my mouth and reading your letters. With one arm behind my head, I let out a sigh and though..."LIFE is good!" And it really is. It's funny that we get distracted by trying to make it better sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I ALWAYS want to be growing! I heard a quote once that said "God is easy to please but difficult to satisfy." I think that's how we should be in OUR lives! Pleased, every moment of it...but NEVER, EVER satisfied! There is always so much in my heart to tell you all. Sometimes, the words aren't equal to the task. But, that is one of my favorite things about this gospel: it is UNIVERSAL! My faith originates in my heart, and courses through my veins, manifesting itself through the fingers that type the words into this keyboard: ALL of which are blessing from a Heavenly Father who loves me. But at the end of the day, the words are just that: They are mine. And it is up to EACH of you out there to gain the same burning in YOUR hearts. As you do, remember that most EVERYTHING that people say means SO much TO THEM! Try to find out why. Try to see what they mean, not just what they are saying, because words are a poor substitute for passion. I love you all! I look forward EVERY day to your letters with GREAT anticipation. Thank you to those that write frequently and consistently. You are blessing THIS missionaries hearts, and hopefully, the lives of MANY MANY people thereby. Have a great week! Make it one! Elder McCarty
Picture dialog: (on the back of his pictures he sent me)
1: I think I look in miniature in this pic for some reason. But here's my district: L to R
Hma Strasser, Hma Beltran, Elder Davis, Elder McCarty, Elder Urry, Elder Criddle, Elder Hermansen, Elder Prettyman, Eler Palmer
2:Surporise Fiesta for Hma Beltran
3: Elder Prttyman caught off guard
4:using the bhoky powerroter
5:In the email xwnter: "Jedi Emailer"

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