Current Mailing Address:
(New Address for Mission home)
Elder Kyler McCarty
Paraguay Asuncion North Mission
Avda. Santisima Trinidad 1280 c/ Julio Correa
Asunción Paraguay

Coming home August 6th 2010!

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Mission: Paraguay Asuncion North

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Rolla Holla! Saturday, 7.4.09

There are people who, when they speak, make you want to listen. Elder Justo Frutos is just such a person. Weighing in at 260 pounds, about a foot shorter than me and with a kingly English dressed in a slight Paraguayan accent, Elder Frutos has become a great friend and mentor in only a short time. Having come to know him only a little my first time in the office, and then having made the arrangements for his flight back into Paraguay for his 2nd or 3rd mission here with his wife and maybe 5th or 6th all together, I have thouroughly enjoyed the many little opportunites to associate with this wise Elder as I help him get settled in. Sometimes he will randomly call for a set of scriptures and teach a seemingly random principle that, when brought full circle, solves a problem or trouble that I didn´t even know I had. He is a man who speaks with the spirit and with love, and makes it hard to be discouraged and easy to smile and laugh.
Speaking of smiling and laughing, we are having a blast here in the office. We decided to assign an office photographer since we all realized we were slacking on taking pictures. We sponsored the first annual part-your-hair-down-the-middle-day. We´ve been playing some sweet basketball 2 or 3 times every morning. We have exciting conversations about going to the northern border of Paraguay and baptizing all of the Chamacoco Indians that paint themselves naked and dance on the mountains (aparently there are some members up there that are trying to get the church started but don´t have the authority to baptize everyone that wants to be baptized). I´ve been working on projects to help Paraguayan missionaries get out of Paraguay and into other parts of the world, tried to help solve the divorce problem (that marriages are cheap and divorces WAY more expensive, making it nearly impossible for many who want to be baptized), and worked with church head quarters to get missionaries their lines of authority and prove that they are connected in an un-broken chain to God the Father himself. The office work is amazing.
Out in the field, there is a lot to be done. We are working with 2 wonderful families. Benancio and Sulma haven´t been able to leave town yet, and so we continue to work with them. Another family, Marcial, who works in a water bottle factory (so we never leave without quenching our thirs) and Saide, his wife who always cooks us food, are progressing well and have promised us they´ll come to church this week. They are honest people and truly want to know. I believe they will progress if they can find the courage to follow the truth. Another young man, Darío plays guitar at the nearby catholic church to attract the youth (and it is working), but has also committed to coming to church and to pursuing the truth through sincere prayer. This gospel is so wonderful and perfect. Anybody who strives to apply its teaching WILL KNOW IT IS TRUE. That is my promise! I love you all!
Elder McCarty

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