Current Mailing Address:
(New Address for Mission home)
Elder Kyler McCarty
Paraguay Asuncion North Mission
Avda. Santisima Trinidad 1280 c/ Julio Correa
AsunciĆ³n Paraguay

Coming home August 6th 2010!

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Mission: Paraguay Asuncion North

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The ROLLA HOLLA!! Tuesday, 8-26-08

Friends, Family, Loved Ones! THE CHURCH IS TRUE! I'd be willing to bet that is the SINGLE most used line in missionary letters home. And do you know why? Becauyse NO MATTER the fledgeling nature of one's testimony upon EMBARKING on this work, the FAITH that it takes for us to be here, QUALIFIES us to see great miracles. here's a poem that I love (it's in French originally so it doesn't rhyme): He said "come to the edge," and we said "we can't, we'll fall."He said "come to the edge," and we said "we can't, we'll fall."He said "come to the edge. We came. HE PUSHED US!...and we flew! I'm just writing to let you know that all is well out here at the edge. We find ourselves there everyday. The work is hard and we, even at the MTC, TAKE ourselves to our very limits, to the very edge of our ability. And when we can come no further, when the handcart of OUR life comes to a screeching halt because every muscle and tendon and sinew is SAPPED from the constant strain of pulling...He pushes us, and WE FLY! And THAT is how we know. It's simple, really: we see things in OURSELVES that we never knew were possible! Things that WEREN'T possible, on our own. Anyhow, the week has been good. Often, MY OWN expectations are too high, or i set them such that they always stay a few yards ahead of me. But I'm learning, every night when I pray and ask if God was satisfied with my work that day, to be a little more joyful in the successes that I DO have, yet still determined to overcome the difficulties that beset me! I have VERY little time today, so I'll breeze through some fun and cool things this week. I may NOT have told you all that Elder Oaks came and spoke to us. His inspired message was on the sacrament. He even said that EVERY member should have the prayers memorized. He also said that we should come to Sacrament meeting having ALREADY repented for our mistakes that week. Those are two things that I NEED to change! I tried to apply them last Sunday, and the results were awesome. Sacrament meeting was much more spiritual, my repentance (for lots of little mistakes) was deeper and more refreshing. Overall, I KNOW that this is one way to deepen our worship and love for this Gospel. I may have mentioned this, but I don't think I did: Elder Davis is the package KING! Our room is LADEN with candy (I'll send some pics of it this Friday). Anyhow, one package came with some Wacky Flavored Jelly Beans: skunk, pencil shavings, boogers, and other stuff like that. We invited the Zone Leaders in to give them some. They wouldn't, of course, but they were glad to take them around and get EVERY other room to have some. We didn't want to waste too much time so we stayed in our room, but for the next hour we heard "come on...come on...," and then screaming, "OHHHH!!! He did it! He did it! Look at that face." It was pretty funny. Lots of crazy stuff goes on at night in those residence halls: all of it hilarious, of course, but also contrary to our purpose while we're here. For example, we get these giant rubber band type things to exercise. Well, one set of Elders tied it to the Pull up bar in the hall, and the other end they stretched to their doorknob. Then, they pulled it back and slammed it shut, right as we were coming home from a day of classes. The three of us were like, uhhhhh...ok. Don't get me wrong, we have fun, but there is a dangerous line that is important not to cross. I think it is better to be on the safe side, than always toeing it. You all may or may not know, but I'm the king of finding pens! I came here and unloaded my bag the first day and my Comps were like HOLY COW, when they saw the beautiful array of pens that I have. they didn't believe me that I had a gift. But now they know. Every day, or so, I see a pen on the ground. I look at it, and then i just smile at my comps. And by now, they know that smile: it's the "I've been blessed with another pen" smile. What can I say, though, we each have our gifts and we are meant to use them in this most important On a more serious side again: I've been working hard and really not WORRYING about talking and socializing with other Elders. This week, though, my goals have reflected a desire to be MORE of a social and loving missionary. I've been trying hard to TALK to more other Elders and learn about and from them. It's been really great! I want to end by telling you all about prayer. It's real! The more we practice, the nearer to perfect we can become at this most important communication between us and God! I am learning to hear HIS voice more clearly and frequently, in HIS way. Generally it is by a feeling in my heart or an ENTIRELY new thought in my head. But, almost EVERY night, when I pray, I am drawn to things that I can do, specifically, to improve the next day. Every morning, when I pray about what topic to study, I follow the first idea that comes and it ends up being EXACTLY what my heart needed for my goals that day, or to overcome the sins of days past. It is such a blessing! And it's not just me. Everybody can have this. We are PROMISED this. We have been told that we live FAR below our privileges with the Spirit. This is SO True. That feeling, that indescribable feeling, brings joy and comfort and knowledge to a sometimes OVER stressed heart and mind. USE IT! Pray! Even if it's been a while. Pray tonight! Pray now! You will be blessed! I love you all! Thank you so much for your love and support. Keep it up! I look forward every day to see if I'll get mail to hear about your lives. Oh, on that note, PLEASE, include your b-days and addresses when you send me mail. I want to be able to write back and to wish you happy birthday on your birthdays! Again, use, it rocks! I love you all!
Elder McCarty III
Picture Commentary:
1.L to R Me, Elder Davis, Elder Prettyman (crazy eyes)
2. Blonde Hermana (a visitor). & Elder Prettyman is out of the picture but otherwise a normal hymn-time after 12 hours of class
3. Ready Set.... (Chalkboard grammar racing)
4. Hma Beltran. our teacher, and I
5. In this one you can actually SEE our Hermana, Hma Strasser

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