I just don’t want it to end here. It CAN’T. The Lord has a brilliant array of opportunities, adventures, and missions of ever greater importance in store for me. But, I don’t want to leave any of this behind. The land, the people, the work, even just the man that I’ve become—I have 1 month to take it all in, trim it down and pack it into two 30 kilo bags carried by one worn out, but still restless missionary into a world of post card memories and day dreams on P-day.
As always, it stands true that my heavenly Father knows just where to send me to meet the people, the challenges, and the moments that are tailor fitted for my own personal joy and for the good for of the work. I’ve seen and continue seeing in a very real way how among the millions of people in the world—millions of seemingly spontaneous chain-reacting events—God orchestrates them into a soul-shaking symphony for the immortality and eternal life of man.
Miriam had been taught by the missionaries for about 6 months. She had received very special revelation from God that told her (a) that she needed to be baptized, and (b) that the man she was with was not meant to be her husband. Conflicted by those two counsels, she continued growing in testimony, saving money to prepare for marriage, a necessary step to obey the law of chastity and be baptized. Four times she saved the money and four times, unfortunate circumstances reduced her hard work to nothing: a sick child, a needy sister, or an unexpected but necessary trip to Asunciòn.
Seeing her burning testimony and love of the Book of Mormon, when I arrived here, we decided to raise something like Moroni’s standard of Liberty, but for Miriam’s soul. We went from house to house of the members, inviting them to help her in her cause. We strived to help her husband to change and to become a NEW man, so that she could obey the Lord’s counsel and marry, not THAT man, but a new, changed one.
The day arrived and we had the money needed. The plans were all in place. But, as if choreographed, 2 nights before the big day, the husband fell on his birthday after 3 months of not drinking, and hit Miriam, and was sent to jail. There he had an apparently life-changing experience and prayed his days away despite the ridicule of his cell mates. As he came out of jail several days later, he was still the same man, but he wanted to change. One week later he has kicked his before impossible vice of cigarettes, gained a testimony of the Book of Mormon and is prepared to marry Miriam and be baptized so that they can be confirmed together this Sunday. Every step in the series of events seemed unproductive, unlikely, or unwanted, but the end result is one converted family that came to church this week before any of the other members. It is amazing to see the hand of the Lord in His children`s lives.
Little Monica who was baptized last week came to church with only her 8 year old cousin, about 12 blocks. Conversion is a powerful thing.
I’ve been admittedly a little sad that I wouldn’t be able to have my final interview with President Wade. As I came to understand the importance of Priesthood Keys and the way they’ll be passed to the new President, I’m excited to see the change and to get to know President Madariaga from Argentina in my last change.
We happened to be in Asunción when this group of missionaries left, Elder Vail, a good friend was among them. Since we were in town, Pres Wade invited us to their farewell dinner and I had the chance to ask these 8 missionaries about the pearls from their interview with President Wade. Wow. The lord is really looking out for me.
Well, I love you all and wish you the best. See ya soon!
Elder McCarty
005 Changes with Elder Williamson, Dani and Rodrigo back from the office days.
(Top Picture)
025 This on the other hand....EPIC. I mean, come on, look at those grass blades. Props to the Lison bizzle. (thats my companion)