Current Mailing Address:
(New Address for Mission home)
Elder Kyler McCarty
Paraguay Asuncion North Mission
Avda. Santisima Trinidad 1280 c/ Julio Correa
AsunciĆ³n Paraguay
Coming home August 6th 2010!
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Mission: Paraguay Asuncion North
(New Address for Mission home)
Elder Kyler McCarty
Paraguay Asuncion North Mission
Avda. Santisima Trinidad 1280 c/ Julio Correa
AsunciĆ³n Paraguay
Coming home August 6th 2010!
or submit online *It's Free!*
Mission: Paraguay Asuncion North
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Holla 2-28-09
The Rolla hollaIt seems to me that one of the greatest evils of our time isn´t so much hatred, or malice, but the nagging, destructive, all-to-common carelessness that weasels its way into all-too-many hearts. It says, ¨I don´t care, ¨ either because ¨my mission is almost over, ¨ or ¨it´s not my fault,¨ or ¨I´m just Jr. Companion,¨ or whatever the inadequate excuse may be. With all of them, the subtle subtitle, translates into mediocrity and less that a fullness of joy. I know, because I too am often guilty of it. But how great are those times when we leave the excuses behind, level with our shortcomings, and watch as a loving Heavenly Father empowers us to overcome them!The First week in the office! Even though my coming here was unexpected and unplanned by those of us that aren´t omnipotent, He that is was just watching the cards fall as he knew they would and wanted them to all along. Now I´m planning weddings, car inspections, cell phone swaps, preparations for apostolic visits, all on the phone, and whats more, in SPANISH! Haha, I think I´ve written that several times, but each new step surprises me with how capable my Father in Heaven makes me!Like a lighting bolt, the reality and love of my Father in Heaven struck my heart as I read in my journal and recognized one of his tender mercies. The morning before the big move, without knowing anything about the situation I recorded the following in my journal: ¨My dream last night: [My comp] was going home for having done something wrong and was crying or something.¨ As I stood in that very situation less than 24 hours later, I had forgotten about the dream, until I read those words in my journal. As I began writing this Holla I felt strongly prompted to share it, though I would generally guard it as deeply personal. There is NO reason whatsever that I can think of for my Father in Heaven to reveal that to me, except to remind me: ¨Kyler, my son, I really AM here and I love you.¨Well, we have wrapped up the work in Aratiri. The regular office schedule is to work in the office from 830 to 430 and then go out to the area (which is called Mburucuya, or Boo-Roo-Koo-Jaw) until 930. We strive to keep that schedule, but often find ourselves with urgent projects or unfinished tasks. The high pace, exciting nature of the work here in the office, gives me a change to refine even further my ability to plan and set goals. I am honestly loving the work and always striving to do a better job.I love you all so much! I haven´t taken any pictures yet here in the office, but am going to start making sure to do so. They won´t be in the jungles of Paraguay, but they will still be fun to remember! With all my love!Elder McCarty
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Rolla Holla! Sarambi Pa´ite! (Extreme Crazyness)
A crazy week, a special change, days of uncertainty, and at the end of it all, I landed in the office. Yikes. As missionaries, we don´t always have the privilege of knowing what is going on around us. All I know is that now, for the rest of this change, I have been called to serve…as the Cartero. It will be my job to take care of the mail, the packages, the cell phones, the marriages, the cars…and the list continues to grow. To be honest, I never really imagined myself an office Elder, but here I am. I´m grateful for the confidence that assures me that a loving Father in Heaven knows what He is doing and has something important for me to learn and do here in this new calling.
The week, despite the unpredictability, has been a good one. Having to work out divisions and find Hermanos from the ward to work with me (and by Hermanos, I mean the ever-dedicated, always-smiling, Lucio), and I got to see a little bit of what it´s like to try to guide a companionship. When the news first arrived, I went from disappointment, to the recognition that it is God´s will, and finally, to a forced changed in my attitude to be happy and excited regardless of where I am called to do this wonderful work.
At any rate, it looks like it could be just for the rest of this change. And for now, in the nights, after 4 or 5 we´ll still be working in Aratiri. Once we finish with the people we´re working with there, we´ll move back to the office area here in Mburukuja (I think is how it´s spelled), where the office Elders have always worked in the evenings. So, I´m excited to make the best of these few weeks and to learn MANY important things that will help me for the rest of my life!
Anyhow, as for the week in Aratiri: The day after the special change we had to scramble a little to baptize thirteen year old, studious, Jessica. But, with prayer and blessings from our Father in Heaven, everything went according to plan. Jessica´s Mom, Sandra, also a recent convert, had terrible stomach pains, which let up just in time for her to act on the overwhelming feeling that she should go to the church and follow through with the baptism. Sandra is now in the hospital. We are praying that she will be able to recuperate quickly and trusting that God will bless his 2 daughters that have taken such an important and difficult step.
Heavenly Father also blessed us this week to find LOTS of young families that are willing and excited to listen to our message. This week we found 4 new families and are hoping that they will be able to make it to church tomorrow. Really, a lot depends on what happens tomorrow. If some of the people we are teaching make it to church, we´ll continue working with them. If not, we may be focusing our efforts on the area here near the office. My new companion is the mission Secretary, Elder Hansen. He is dedicated and excited to set goals to improve the work here in the office as well as in the field.
Well Family, thank you so much for the love and support. My Day of Preparation here in the office is Saturday, for the rest of this change. Today no pics, since I´m living out of just 1 suitcase and everything else is in Aratiri. I´ll be e-mailing and writing your letters on Saturday´s from now on. I hope that you all have a wonderful week and remember to enjoy this life; we only get one of them.
Elder McCarty
The week, despite the unpredictability, has been a good one. Having to work out divisions and find Hermanos from the ward to work with me (and by Hermanos, I mean the ever-dedicated, always-smiling, Lucio), and I got to see a little bit of what it´s like to try to guide a companionship. When the news first arrived, I went from disappointment, to the recognition that it is God´s will, and finally, to a forced changed in my attitude to be happy and excited regardless of where I am called to do this wonderful work.
At any rate, it looks like it could be just for the rest of this change. And for now, in the nights, after 4 or 5 we´ll still be working in Aratiri. Once we finish with the people we´re working with there, we´ll move back to the office area here in Mburukuja (I think is how it´s spelled), where the office Elders have always worked in the evenings. So, I´m excited to make the best of these few weeks and to learn MANY important things that will help me for the rest of my life!
Anyhow, as for the week in Aratiri: The day after the special change we had to scramble a little to baptize thirteen year old, studious, Jessica. But, with prayer and blessings from our Father in Heaven, everything went according to plan. Jessica´s Mom, Sandra, also a recent convert, had terrible stomach pains, which let up just in time for her to act on the overwhelming feeling that she should go to the church and follow through with the baptism. Sandra is now in the hospital. We are praying that she will be able to recuperate quickly and trusting that God will bless his 2 daughters that have taken such an important and difficult step.
Heavenly Father also blessed us this week to find LOTS of young families that are willing and excited to listen to our message. This week we found 4 new families and are hoping that they will be able to make it to church tomorrow. Really, a lot depends on what happens tomorrow. If some of the people we are teaching make it to church, we´ll continue working with them. If not, we may be focusing our efforts on the area here near the office. My new companion is the mission Secretary, Elder Hansen. He is dedicated and excited to set goals to improve the work here in the office as well as in the field.
Well Family, thank you so much for the love and support. My Day of Preparation here in the office is Saturday, for the rest of this change. Today no pics, since I´m living out of just 1 suitcase and everything else is in Aratiri. I´ll be e-mailing and writing your letters on Saturday´s from now on. I hope that you all have a wonderful week and remember to enjoy this life; we only get one of them.
Elder McCarty
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Rolla Holla! 2.16.09
Somebody once said, ¨faith can move mountains...just don´t be surprised when God hands you a shovel.¨ But how many of us are? I spoke this week with a less active member who told God he´d only come back when the pain in his ribs was miraculously healed and a misionary who blamed Satan and difficult circumstances for his lack of performance as he headed for his house to sleep when he should have been working. Again, it´s almost as funny as it is sad...almost.This week I have felt rejuvinated by an injection of the Spirit that comes from hard work: Speaking to everyone we meet and inviting them all to hear our message. It reminds me of a poem my MTC Companion wrote, that I love:As missionaries we go,Let by Spirit, protected by angels;The badge no longer upon the suit,but brazened upon the heart.As missionaries we serve,sharing a happiness,Inviting to christ all persons of the worldBrothers and sisters in Truth.As missionaries we return,Bold from experience, wisdom-filled.Not slaves to man but servants of our GodMissionaries now until Eternity!Elder Brandon Prettyman, Tues 8.19.08It´s a little ironic that we, as missionaries have to leave behind so much happiness in order to share it. Some times we feel alone or barely afloat in a vast, turbulant ocean. Separated by time and space from the one that we love. Yet, at the same time it´s very fitting that the little lifeboat of our testimony be proved by storms of sacrifice and winds of adversity. And, as the clouds part and the giant waves give way to a divine serenity, the lifeboat is still afloat--somehow strengthened by the experience, and better prepared for the even MORE violent storms and waves that are sure to come!In all of this, we have the choice. I have served with Elders who never had that love to begin with--uprooted from families that could neither understand nor accept their son´s decision to serve. Harsh words, broken relationships, and a heroic, simple determination to serve anyway, because at some point in time, not so long ago, they experienced that penetrated heart and those moistened eyes. They echoed a prophet´s simple, compelling words: ¨I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it.¨ (JS-H 1:25).A review of the week: This week we spoke with an 80 year old member woman who brought her pistol to show it off to us, and after pointing it at us and joking around, she told us it was loaded...yeah, scary. We helped that same Hermana crack peanuts, which we found her doing with her old, arthritic hands. Service, it turns out, comes in many different forms, lol. Afterwards she invited us to try Peanuts with Syrup (Miel as it´s called, which I´m not sure exactly what it is, but it´s a deep brown and sweet, so I´m ok with it). She told us stories of being accosted and being saved by the threat of her pistol, and others of being saved by the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. I think the latter is a little more reliable...not to mention safe :-).We taught a young girl named Jessica who actually reads, outlines, and remembers every pamphlet we leave her after teaching the lessons. It is amazing and as she is learning a lot, more important than anything is the spirit she continues to feel in her heart. Faith, I am learning, is much more powerful than what we call ¨knowledge,¨ or what we THINK we percieve in the world with our eyes, ears, and other senses.I also enjoyed lunch today with other American Elders and was reminded of my dad when one said, ¨you´re cruizin for a bruizin,¨ and I laughed hysterically. I ate ice cream with a delicious pudding cake. I offended a whole family this week because I didn´t understand the defition of the word Tonto, which I thought meant goofy and turns out to mean stupid. They forgave me as I continued to try to love and serve them. We taughte a wife in a very abusive relationship, and saw the beginnings of change from hearing the gospel, and then saw it all thrown to the wind by the evil of Alcohol. I stood on a well to cut a tree so the leaves wouldn´t fall into the water supply (a little scary because it was a LONG way down!). And many other adventures that I don´t have time to write.More than anything, I´m seeing the benefit of using that shovel that God is handing me. The strain of hard work leaves me prostrate on my knees and then knocked out in my bed. But each day I am blessed to wake with a smile and an unmistakable happiness. I know that our Father in Heaven blesses those that do His will. I love you all so much,Elder McCarty
2.16.09 Kyler's pictures and captions
Monday, February 9, 2009
Excerpts from a letter to mom 2-9-09
I wanted to try to send the pics in a zip file to see what happens. I don´t even know if I did it right, but if you can work with what is in this email, they´ll be of higher quality and save me LOTS of time not having to shrink them down!
--- The picture did not come through- it said it was corrupt.... :(
I know that, more than anything, as we strive to have the Spirit, Heavenly Father smooths out our rough edges, and opens the doors to the friendships, whether they be many and broad, or few and deep that both we and others need in our lives at any given moment. I love President Eyrings talk from Priesthood session about seeking help from the Angels god sends and learning to be that angel as well).
Elder Suasnaba is my companion from Argentina. Almost inevitably, missionaries feel the need to give commentary on a new companion when changes come out. I worked hard to start off with lots of communication and love, and he told me that other people in the mission had told him that I am strictly obedient (which made me feel good, and laugh at the same time, since nobody from his zone knew me--that kind of thing travels by cell phone, sadly, in the mission). Anyhow, I have been learning a lot about the importance of the spirit of the law over the letter of the law, and of how the work only moves with unity, which may have little or nothing to do with pharasaic-like obedience (although, I´m certain it would be a deeper, better founded unity if it was based on shared desires to obey, rather than on concession one end.) Sadly, the same elders that don´t want to obey, aren´t willing to concede to preserve unity. A difficult situation, but not impossible! At any rate, I´m learning a LOT!)
Elder McCarty
I wanted to try to send the pics in a zip file to see what happens. I don´t even know if I did it right, but if you can work with what is in this email, they´ll be of higher quality and save me LOTS of time not having to shrink them down!
--- The picture did not come through- it said it was corrupt.... :(
I know that, more than anything, as we strive to have the Spirit, Heavenly Father smooths out our rough edges, and opens the doors to the friendships, whether they be many and broad, or few and deep that both we and others need in our lives at any given moment. I love President Eyrings talk from Priesthood session about seeking help from the Angels god sends and learning to be that angel as well).
Elder Suasnaba is my companion from Argentina. Almost inevitably, missionaries feel the need to give commentary on a new companion when changes come out. I worked hard to start off with lots of communication and love, and he told me that other people in the mission had told him that I am strictly obedient (which made me feel good, and laugh at the same time, since nobody from his zone knew me--that kind of thing travels by cell phone, sadly, in the mission). Anyhow, I have been learning a lot about the importance of the spirit of the law over the letter of the law, and of how the work only moves with unity, which may have little or nothing to do with pharasaic-like obedience (although, I´m certain it would be a deeper, better founded unity if it was based on shared desires to obey, rather than on concession one end.) Sadly, the same elders that don´t want to obey, aren´t willing to concede to preserve unity. A difficult situation, but not impossible! At any rate, I´m learning a LOT!)
Elder McCarty
Not Sure if this Holla ever got through 2.9.09
Since I last wrote, I´ve changed areas and companions. My first day here, as I studied in the morning, a man clapped outside and stood there, contently smiling. I went out to greet him and, in that way, I met Lucio—our ward´s secretary, a convert and returned missionary, and a man that just eminates goodness. He has accompanied us 2 or 3 full days of work already and is a GREAT boon to the missionary work here in this area, fellowshipping the members and providing them with a constant friend in the Ward. It was he who taught us the game ¨si o no,¨ wherein one person asks questions and the other one has to answer without saying si o no. If they do, they lose, and then they have to ask questions. It was fun, and we laughed a lot, and got to know eachother really well. I think it´ll be a great tool for the rest of my mission and in the future for those dates where she only wants to give one word answers (lol). As we passed the gate of another Paraguayan shack, with a shout of Peguaheke (Guarani for Can We Come In) after having clapped, the family scrambled to arrange chairs for another visit from the missionaries (usually under the shade of some tree). This was the house of a once faithful Brother who has only one leg, and so rarely leaves the house. We talked, and he laughed and enjoyed our presence. Near the end, at the point of tears, he expressed his gratitude for our visit and love for the missionaries, explaining that our visits made him feel important in his now helpless state. How great is this work? Even the simplest, uplifting visits to members are miracles in their lives. I feel so blessed to be here right now to get to know and come to love the people of this area. I also like moving areas because people always compliment my Spanish (whether it´s true or not, it sure feels good). I´m realizing the value of a little encouragement when somebody is working hard to learn something that can be difficult, and that is risky. Let us all give compliments and encouragement in place of criticism and mockery, even if we might think it a funny joke at the time. Well, I love you all so much. I thought today of the movie Robinhood where he kneels down and kisses the shores of the English beach after having been away for so many years. That´s how I feel about my country, my family, my friends. You are all so wonderful, and if it weren´t for the absolute truthfulness of what I´m doing, it would be difficult to be apart from you for so long. I love you all, and know that Jesus Christ LIVES and guides our church. Have a wonderful week...MAKE IT ONE :-). Elder McCarty
Monday, February 2, 2009
Kyler's pictures and commentary 2-2-09
A cool tree swing made from a tire, with the heavy Paraguayan Jungle background.
The Rolla Holla 2-2-09
The Rolla Holla
The news is in. I´m changing areas. Moving to Capiata Zone, an area called Aratidi with a new companion from Argentina! Exciting, but at the same time a little nerve wracking.
The tendancy to waste time in between the changes in life, caught hold of us this week. We slowed down a little, kept track less, and talked more and with increasing frequency about what would happen as the day of Transfers came upon us. Yet still we did a great deal of the work of our Lord. It is impossible not to grow when there are so many experiences, like refining fires or fertilizers of growth, that we come in contact with every day.
We did a division this week with some of the Priesthood from our ward. With me was a 17 year old young man named Jorge and he was a little timid so I did literally ALL the contacting, teaching, commitments, and every other phase of the missionary work. I was amazed at how much my Father in Heaven blessed me to do so, and to do it well, and effectively. He is always there for us if we are walking in His paths.
I´m feeling a little anxious to get out and DO more. To set and accomplish goals. To meet my new companion. To meet and get to know deeply another area full of this beautiful people. I feel like I´m closing Chapter One in the Epic that is my mission. I have the tools and the abilities, and the help of God that I need to start again, anew, and with strength and excitement. I love you all! Thank you for all you do.
Elder McCarty
The news is in. I´m changing areas. Moving to Capiata Zone, an area called Aratidi with a new companion from Argentina! Exciting, but at the same time a little nerve wracking.
The tendancy to waste time in between the changes in life, caught hold of us this week. We slowed down a little, kept track less, and talked more and with increasing frequency about what would happen as the day of Transfers came upon us. Yet still we did a great deal of the work of our Lord. It is impossible not to grow when there are so many experiences, like refining fires or fertilizers of growth, that we come in contact with every day.
We did a division this week with some of the Priesthood from our ward. With me was a 17 year old young man named Jorge and he was a little timid so I did literally ALL the contacting, teaching, commitments, and every other phase of the missionary work. I was amazed at how much my Father in Heaven blessed me to do so, and to do it well, and effectively. He is always there for us if we are walking in His paths.
I´m feeling a little anxious to get out and DO more. To set and accomplish goals. To meet my new companion. To meet and get to know deeply another area full of this beautiful people. I feel like I´m closing Chapter One in the Epic that is my mission. I have the tools and the abilities, and the help of God that I need to start again, anew, and with strength and excitement. I love you all! Thank you for all you do.
Elder McCarty
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