Current Mailing Address:
(New Address for Mission home)
Elder Kyler McCarty
Paraguay Asuncion North Mission
Avda. Santisima Trinidad 1280 c/ Julio Correa
AsunciĆ³n Paraguay

Coming home August 6th 2010!

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Mission: Paraguay Asuncion North

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rolla Holla!! Tuesday, 9-16-08 LOL: 2 Weeks Left

If a scientist did a study, I wonder how much of our life they'd find was spent in "waiting." As I wrote the Subject line above, I thought of a similar line I'd read somewhere, and lo and behold, it was in last weeks Holla..."only 3 weeks left."
cannot tell a lie: I am anxious to get into the field. And YES, I still have a lot to learn. But, so often, our heart jumps ahead of our level of preparation and, as Thomas S. Monson is fond of quoting: we find ourselves always waiting for tomorrow, and so ending up with a lot of empty yesterdays today. I suppose it's a life theme of sorts for me: BE HERE! FOCUS ON THE NOW! So, I'm sorry if it's recurrent in my letters, but, maybe it's something we can ALL do better at.

Well, this week I've learned a lot. Apparantly I'm now house-bread because Sunday, while we were studying, what is probably the HUGEST fly I've ever seen flew right into my leg...and I FREAKED out. My companions broke out laughing at me, and I went back to study. A few seconds later, it dive bombed my ear and scared me half to death and that was it, something had to be done. So, in Indiana Jones-like fashion, I opened the door and tried to chase the fly out of the room but it wouldn't have it. After maybe 3 minutes of jumping around and dodging every time it came at me, Elder Prettyman went to the fly, grabbed it and threw it out the door. I've never felt more womanly in my life--can you say, READY FOR PARAGUAY? Hopefully I'll readjust quickly since bugs and I go way back, having done yard-work before the mission and everything. Anyhow, the MTC is great. As a district we have been setting ever-clearer weekly goals, and we started reading them after EVERY meal in class so we don't forget before the end of the week, as we had so many times before. Since I started doing this personally like 6 months ago, the fidelity between my plans and my actions has gotten SO much closer and therefore, my growth so much faster. I recomend it to EVERYONE: write goals every week, plan for them, and then READ them every day. One author talks about BHAGS: Big Hairy Audatious Goals. Something that catches your vision and inspires your soul. Imagine reading those every day and seeing where you can be in one week, one month, or two years, if you just WORK hard enough for them! It's very exciting.

Well, I'm to the point now where I can pretty much get by SOLELY in Spanish. All the lessons are in Spanish and as a companionship, we try our darndest (haha, that's an old word) to speak only in Spanish. It's hard at times, and has caused some frustration and misunderstanding in our companionship, but I'd rather have those problems here than while I'm aclimatizing to the wonders of Paraguay. On top of that, I think a little tension and strife is healthy, even NECESSARY for growth in EVERY area! We had the priviledge of hearing from President Uchtdorf last Tuesday. He told us that the First Presidency is praying every day for the missionaries AND THOSE THAT WE PRAY FOR! That's you! What a blessing. God and His angels are truly watching over you and I. Your support means the WORLD to me: it IS the world to me! Every day that mail comes I anxiously await those tidbits of love and learning from your lives. I love you all! Thank you for your support. Elder Kyler James Rolla McCarty

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